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The Journey Home - Bus 11...

Madison Thompson

It was an early rise for bus 11 with breakfast at 7am and departure soon after. We boarded the bus for the final time, and left the hotel for the Flugenhafen wien airport in Vienna. After checking in to our flight, we had time to relax until we departed from the airport at 2:30pm after being delayed for 1 hour.

The flight to Frankfurt Germany was quick as we arrived at 4pm and had 3 hours to relax until we checked in at 9pm. We boarded to flight to Singapore between 9-10pm and began to prepare ourselves for the long flight ahead of us. Finally we arrived in Singapore at 3:30pm where we had an 8 hour transit wait until we depart from Singapore airport at midnight.

The final flight home was another long-haul journey; and most did their best to catch up on sleep. We had breakfast on the plane, before descending down for Sydney airport. The three weeks had really gone fast! Our families were waiting for us outside. It was great to be back.

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