Despite the fact that the lockdown continues our remote learning arrangements, it is important to keep fit and healthy during these challenging times. Part of the challenge is thinking of what to do at home to try and reduce stress and promote good wellbeing. Many of our students have been quite creative in tackling the situation, and they share with you some of their great ideas below!
"Through this unusual situation, physical activity is essential. Staring at the computer all day is tiring, so taking a small break, or stepping outside for a breath of fresh air makes me feel like a new person. At the end of my lessons, I colour to get away from the computer."

"It is essential to keep fit, and although we can’t go anywhere, we need to be active. I have been going on the trampoline, scooter and bike rides daily. Even following a youtube workout or stretch is great. During work hours, I find it great to change the scenery and go outside. Take advantage of all this spare time and bake a cake, get into a new hobby or do a puzzle and most importantly be with your family. You can even watch TV or the Olympics to relax. "
"To keep entertained our family has done multiple puzzles (1000 and 100), we played Scattergories, and baked cakes. To anyone struggling, or finding these circumstances hard to cope, everything is going to be okay, this is just temporary. We will get through this."

"Throughout the remote learning experience, it has been a crazy time with my 4 younger siblings in the house, so when we finish our work, we usually go outside and go to the closest park and play soccer and walk around. It is a great amount of time for our family to get along, get enough sunlight and exercise, such as walking and bicycle riding."
"Staying healthy during lockdown/home learning is essential as we are stuck inside. The simple things like going on the trampoline and kicking a ball in your backyard is all your body needs to feel fit and active. In this time we are seeing more people going on bike rides and walking in the neighbourhood. Although physical activity is an important aspect of keeping your health and fitness up we have to remember that mental health is just as important. During these difficult times my family and I have completed puzzles, done sudokus, played board games and have participated in kahoots and online trivias. I highly recommend spending time as a family. If you are not able to be with your family you should start FaceTime calls and/or Zoom calls. We also have to keep in touch with our friends and remember that everyone is in the same boat. In a way Covid-19 is helping us get closer to our family. I hope that when this is all over, things between families and neighbours stay the same because it's not everyday that everyone is walking and you can give someone a wave from across the street. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this pandemic."
"We have been playing tennis in our backyard on the court. Your body needs to stay active, and make sure you do everything to eat healthy, and only eat a little bit of junk. Also spending all of my time with my seven little puppies that have been born."
"To escape remote learning a little bit, my family has been going on walks, and sometimes going outside to play some outdoor games. I also take the time to play and code video games. Remote learning has been tough for most of us. Sometimes lockdown can help us discover that we like things that we never thought we would."
"During the remote learning period, keeping fit is one of the best ways to improve mental health. Whether It's going for a bike ride or playing in your backyard. For me, I've been going for bike rides around my neighbourhood and going to a local park with my family to keep active."

"During lockdown I’ve been ensuring that I am exercising every day. I’ve been riding my bike and playing soccer with my brother to keep fit. On the weekends when there is no school, I’ve been riding at the mountain bike trail near my house on the weekends. I have been doing this in between online learning to have a break and so that I don’t become unproductive from being in front of a screen doing school all day."
"Doing things like staying in your backyard and playing a game with your family helps because it helps you exercise. You can do things like riding your bike or going on a trampoline. During remote learning I have been going outside and moving around a lot more to stay fit and try to find new things to do."
"Given exercise is also an essential part of our lives, staying healthy during lockdown is one of few ways to get out and about with family to relieve stress from the struggles of staying home. One way I’ve stayed healthy during lockdown is walking with my family to the park. This allows everyone to safely stay healthy and get fresh air in times such as these."

"Ways that I have found to stay fit and healthy during this lockdown is to go on walks with my family and my pet. It is important to keep your physical activity active during these times as it can also help to motivate you with your other tasks and help you stay fit and healthy of course. Another way I have found to keep myself fit and healthy is by doing the things I love and getting creative such as drawing and painting, playing board games with my family, writing in my journal and trying new recipes which taste delicious! These are just some of the ways that I keep myself mentally healthy. Lastly, one of the most important and personally my favourite things that I have done to stay emotionally healthy was staying connected with my family and friends by calling them and sharing our thoughts. These are just some of the ways that I keep fit and healthy during these uncertain times."

"In the afternoons, I enjoy playing tennis on the community court with some friendly competition, and maybe even have a round of backyard cricket. We also like going along bike tracks as a family, playing handball or frisbee on the driveway, and going to the local park. After dinner, playing a quick round of table tennis keeps me and my family active, healthy and entertained. While staying healthy physically is important, it is also necessary to stay healthy emotionally and mentally in what we do. Many of us are distant from family and friends - I used to see my peers 5 days a week, and now I haven't seen them for almost 5 weeks. I am using FaceTime, Zoom, Snapchat and Messages to stay in touch with my friends and peers. Also, it is important to stay in touch with family, which for me is a big part of my life and an outlet for support."
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