College House Patrons
The foundational story of Good Samaritan Catholic College is the story of the “Good Samaritan”.

The theme of this story is summarised in the College motto “Journeying with Compassion”. Through the ages, both in Australia and in the wider world community there are countless examples of inspired women and men who have chosen to live out their journeys with compassion. The essence of this story has been demonstrated over and over again through vision, leadership, a passion for justice, a commitment to education, a love of our land Australia, a desire to build a church grounded in the spirit of the Gospel and unfailing hope in the future.
In 2000 six House Patrons were chosen: They were significant Catholics who journeyed with compassion in the context of their own times and who used their different gifts to work towards making the Kingdom come. The House Patrons provide us with a snapshot of the Church’s history. Three are male and three female. Two House patrons chose to found educational orders, two worked for social justice and two contributed to the building of the Church in Australia.
The six House Patrons are Caroline Chisholm, St Vincent de Paul, St John Baptist de La Salle, St Mary MacKillop, St Angela Merici and Bishop John Bede Polding.
To commemorate the 20 Year Anniversary of the establishment of Good Samaritan Catholic College, the House Patron Banners were redesigned in 2019 to honour the history of the College and the patrons themselves.
All of the banners have a consistent layout. This includes a path that travels from the bottom of the banner to the top, in recognition of the Parable of the Good Samaritan and our school motto ‘Journeying with Compassion’. Within each path is the symbols that are associated with that patron, of which have been carefully chosen and designed. Each banner has a border on either side, which includes the symbols from the previous house banners, this choice was made as it is important to recognise the history of the College and the role these symbols have played in representing each House Patron over time. A portrait of each patron has been included as a central feature, in order for the recognition of the patron for students within that house. Significant words were taken from the Mission Statement of the College and matched with each House Patron. Each word was chosen in order to encapsulate the legacy of the Patron and what they promoted and valued within their lives.

"Serve all justly and impartially" - Caroline Chisholm
In 1839 in Australia, Caroline Chisholm set up structures to accommodate and employ young people in the colonies. She had an idea of what this small colony could become and she worked tirelessly to build the future of this country.
The symbols chosen to represent Caroline Chisholm are the key, quill, waves and compass. The key was chosen to represent how Caroline assisted immigrants in accessing new opportunities, opening doors to establish a better life in Australia. The waves signify the journey of immigrants to Australia. The compass is signifies navigation, and the guidance Caroline provided to immigrants. The quill is often seen in imagery of Chisholm, reflective of her writing and advocating for the rights of others.
The word from the schools Mission Statement associated with the Chisholm house is Mercy, this word was chosen due to the benevolent approach Caroline showed towards all she encountered.

"Charity is the cement which binds communities to God and person’s to one another"- St Vincent DePaul
In 1581 in France, St Vincent de Paul provided food and shelter for the homeless, the alcoholics, the outcast and the hungry. He had a commitment to social justice, which he demonstrated in practical ways to answer the needs of the people he saw around him.
The main symbols chosen to represent the De Paul house is the cup and hands, this was chosen to symbolise St Vincent De Paul providing nourishment and sustenance, through providing necessities for those he cared for. A flame was chosen represent the Holy Spirit and how the faithful have been encouraged to live a life in service to God and others, of which St Vincent De Paul did and his legacy continues to inspire.
The word from the schools Mission Statement associated with the De Paul House is Compassion, as St Vincent De Paul displayed this quality throughout his life and the charity continues to demonstrate.

"Example makes a much greater impression on the mind and heart than words" - St John the Baptist De LaSalle
In 1680 in France, John Baptist de La Salle began an order of Brothers to educate those in need. As founder of the order he has popularised a visionary and revolutionary approach to education, catering for the needs of those around him and demonstrating the courage to begin a new order in education.
St John the Baptist de LaSalle is the patron Saint of Teachers, therefore the symbols were chosen to pay homage to that. The graduation cap and scroll are symbolic of LaSalle’s vision for the vocation of lay teachers. The hand holding the cap is signifying La Salle’s support of teachers. The book is representative of education as a whole.
The word from the schools Mission Statement associated with the LaSalle House is Love. At the foundation of teachers vocation is their care for the wellbeing of their students, both pastorally and academically. La Salle encouraged people to pursue the work of God through devoting their life to education.

"Never see a need without doing something about it" - Mary Mackillop
In 1866 in Australia, St Mary MacKillop of the Cross responded to the needs of her community, working to provide education for all. She had an appreciation of this young nation, Australia, and found new ways to educate and to be a member of a religious congregation in an Australian context. In October 2010, Mary MacKillop was canonised and became Australia's first saint.
The central feature of the MacKillop banners symbols is the emblem of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, an order in which St Mary MacKillop of the Cross founded in 1866 with Fr Julian Tension Woods. The order was founded in Penola in South Australia where Mary started her first Catholic school. MacKillop also worked with Indigenous communities within this region. As a commemoration to her connection with the First Nations peoples of Australia, a Wild Honeysuckle flower has been incorporated into the design. ‘Penola’ in the Bindjali Aboriginal language, is translated too ‘wild honeysuckle’. The gum leaves have been used to acknowledge Mary MacKillop’s relationship with regional Australia.
The word from the schools Mission Statement associated with the MacKillop House is Justice, as Mary fought for free Catholic Education within Australia and throughout her life, always attended to the needs of others.

"Strive to be faithful to that which God has called you" Angela Merici
In 1535 in Brescia, Italy, Angela Merici began a religious order to educate and inspire the young. As leader of that congregation, Angela Merici offered inspiration, service and conviction in the founding of the first teaching order of women. Angela was passionate about the education of young women.
The inspiration for the ladder within the banner was a vision Angela Merici had, whereby she saw a ladder, forming a connection from earth to heaven. Each of the flowers had significant meaning to the life’s work of Angela Merici. The purple flower is from the Phlox plant, which is a symbol of Harmony, a concept of which Angela spoke of often. The pink flower is a Cherry Blossom, which is symbolic of good education and femininity. The open book is symbolising Angela Merici’s legacy of religious education, as seen through the work of the Ursiline Sisters.
The word from the schools Mission Statement associated with the Merici House is Nurture, this symbolising the care, value and respect Angela Merici had for young people’s education.

"Use all gentleness and compassion for the unhappy whom you tend" - Fr John Bede Polding
In 1835 John Bede Polding was appointed first Bishop of Sydney. His plan built the foundations of our Australian Catholic Church based always on the hope of what could be achieved with faith, love and passion.
Due to Fr John Bede Polding being the first Bishop of Sydney, the Mitre and Crosier were chosen to symbolise his position and vocation within the Catholic Church. He also travelled extensively throughout Australia, caring for the poor, therefore a map was chosen to portray this. In 1857, Fr John Bede Polding founded the first Australian religious community, The Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict. The plant on the banner is from the orders emblem, this was chosen to pay tribute to the Order.
The word from the schools Mission Statement associated with the Polding House is Service, this word was chosen as Fr John Bede Polding dedicated his life to the service of the Catholic community of Sydney.