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Marissa Romolo & Luke Chircop

Final day in Assisi

During the morning we reflected on the words of the song ‘You make me brave’ by Amanda Cook in small groups. We also learnt the words to our official bus 12 chant written by our very own talented pilgrims:

GSCC and Clancy,

Together we are the bus 12.We follow you, Pasquale* too,

to celebrate with Pope Francis.

Bus 12 ole, Bus 12 ole, Bus 12 ole ole ole

Bus 12 ole, Bus 12 ole, Bus 12 ole ole ole

*Pasquale is our tour guide

Before leaving Assisi this morning, we attended a special mass led by our bus Chaplain Fr. Mark at the Basilica of Santa Maria Degli Angeli situated at the foot of the hills of Assisi and protecting the Porziuncola, where St. Francis is said to have founded the first groups of the order of the Minor Friars in 1209. Fr. Mark’s homily built on the story of St Francis who lived a selfless, peaceful life and encouraged us to be people who respond like St Francis. After mass we toured the Basilica, visiting the Roselo – the thorn-less rose garden. Legend has it that in this location, St Francis himself rolled naked amongst the thorn bushes in order to combat doubt and temptation. It is also said that on contact with Saint Francis’ body the thorn-less roses began to bloom, and they still do to this day! It is in this garden that St. Francis spoke to the turtle doves, inviting them to praise the Lord. Doves have been nesting here for many many years in the hands of the statue of St. Francis in this rose garden.

In the afternoon we explored the surrounding areas of Assisi, enjoying some lunch and gelato to cope with the heat before getting onto the bus and heading for Rome.

Assisi is a beautiful, spiritual town and a place we have undoubtedly experienced some of the best moments so far.

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