It was another early start (5am!!) to the day. We had to wake up really early in order visit every location that was planned for today. It was filled with new experiences and memories we will never forget. We were so blessed to have had the opportunity to visit such historic places...

Firstly, we had the opportunity to visit 'St Paul's Outside the Walls'; which is where St Paul was buried.

Our local guide for the day was Orreste. He gave a very informative outline of the places we visited today.

The photo above was taken at the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (St Mary Major). I was in awe at how beautiful the Basilica was. We also celebrated mass here today.

The picture above shows the Holy Stairs. It is considered to be the holiest place in Rome. Jesus himself walked amongst these steps with Pontious Pilate. This was definitely one of the hardest and most challenging experiences I had ever participated in. We could only walk up the stairs with our knees, whilst praying the Hail Mary. This hence allowed us to empathise Jesus' pain he experienced through His crucifixion. Whilst we will never suffer as much as the Lord did, we were able to appreciate what He did for us.

We were also privileged with the opportunity to visit the Catacombs. Once again, this was an amazing experience to witness the burial place of the early Christians. Whilst walking through the tombs, I was able to appreciate how lucky I am to freely practice my faith without fear of persecution.