Pat recently gave his Year 10 students a task to create a range of texts in response to their research including a written review of the text; a poster or digital ad for a release of the text and a slideshow or video to present their modern classic to the class. One of the programs that many of his students used was EMaze. Let's take a closer look and see how Pat integrated this innovative activity in his class.
Emaze is an online presentation platform built on interactive technology. Create, manage and share your online presentations. Emaze offers a variety of templates, including formats using 3D animations and video backgrounds.
Students had to create a range of texts in response to their research including a written review of the text; a poster or digital ad for a release of the text and a slideshow or video to present their modern classic to the class. In their presentation they had to use images and persuasive language to convince the class of the classic status of their text. Slide titles included: -Background Information of text/composer -Context (when, where it was composed, what important things were happening at the time that may have influenced text) -Summary of text (text type, main ideas, structure - timeless themes?) -Language features (that make the text memorable, engaging, enduring) -Critical Acclaim: What others said when it was composed/released? -Judgement: Why I think this text should be considered a classic... Students had to work closely with a partner to edit and check their work. This would have been a cumbersome task on a single-computer software platform like Powerpoint; but with the collaboration tools of EMaze, students were able to progressively share and assess each other's work.
Sample One: Click Here Sample Two: Click Here
Why not try this in your classroom today! For more information, check out the resource kit found here or see a member of the eLearning and Innovations Team.