Today we started our journey with travelling through the vibrant and colourful Ecatepec to ultimately stop at Tulpetlac to see the church of the Fifth Apparition. It was at this beautiful church, where Our Lady appeared for the fifth time to cure Juan Diego’s sick uncle of small pox. Located in a modest neighbourhood, this church’s architecture was incredibly unique in a way that its beauty came from its simplicity.

We then made our way through the city of the Aztec Pyramids at Teotihuacán, and learnt about the ancient culture of Mexico. Most importantly, most of the pilgrims took up the challenge of climbing both the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, approximately 66 metres and 43 metres respectively. As we trekked through this physically challenging encounter, I noticed the beauty of youth and the church; that we have the power and enthusiasm to encourage others to likewise reach the same goal, whether it be reaching the top of the pyramid or even reaching the top to meet Jesus.

To complete this beautiful day, we visited the Plaza of the Three Cultures and later participated in celebration of the eucharist at the Church of Santiago Tlatelolco. In his homily, Fr Josh mentioned that we must actively seek God through adoration of the eucharist. In saying this, one thing that particularly appealed to me when in these churches, was that God’s beauty does not need to be expressed in images and structures of luxury. Rather, He is immersed in our every day lives and it is through receiving the eucharist, that we can indeed recognise the true beauty of the church, that of which lies within the support of the people and congregation.

God Bless,
Miriam Sidrak
College Captain