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Our Students Get Digitally Creative and Choose Maths!

GSCC NewsReel

A number of our Year 7 students have taken the Mathematics challenge. They are taking part in the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute's ChooseMaths; a program that aims to turn around the public perception of mathematics into something that is engaging and fun.

Each year, ChooseMaths invites students to use their imagination to create and submit a 3–5 minute video based on a theme. This year's theme is MATHS MAKES EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. The students produce a video which explains a mathematical problem, or demonstrates an application of mathematics, using clear and precise mathematical language, in a creative and entertaining way. Students compete as a team in order to foster a positive environment, giving them the opportunity to reason and work collaboratively.

The Good Samaritan Catholic College team have called themselves the 'NerdBurgers', and have set themselves the task in investigating the significance of Mathematics in the field of Robotics. Each Tuesday afternoon, they come together to research and analyse concepts that link the study of maths on the application of a robotic system. Their findings will then be produced by way of a digital video production.

Towards the end of the year, the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute will select the best video entries from across Australia, with prizes including a trip to Melbourne for the presentation ceremony. Stay tuned for our video!

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