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Celebrating Shakespeare Week

Vanessa Messina

It was no doubt an eventful Week 8 at Good Samaritan as both students and staff celebrated the influential playwright and poet, William Shakespeare! As per annual tradition, we commenced the week with a game of ‘Who Saideth That?”. Five staff members showcased their drama talents by reading a line from one of Shakespeare’s most renowned plays. The students were to listen carefully to the recordings and promptly guess the correct play, character, and the teacher speaking. A huge thank you to Mr Bradbury, Mrs Sayadi, Mr Wong, Mr Tannous, and our principal Mr Corcoran for their incredible character impressions and their efforts to engage the students throughout the week. I also extend this gratitude and congratulations to the five winners: Olivia-Rose (Year 11), Joshua (Year 10), Andres (Year 8), Jamie (Year 8), and Lucas (Year 10).

During Monday lunch many students gathered to compete in a Mega Shakespeare Kahoot! The competition was certainly fierce with Natalie (Year 11) securing the victory, with close runners up David (Year 11) and Ramiro (Year 10). To further develop the spirit of Shakespeare Week, all students were invited to attempt a Romeo and Juliet themed Escape Room. Due to popular demand, the College held two sessions over Wednesday and Friday recess. The students forged teams and worked collaboratively to crack a series of cryptic codes and decipher clues and hints to successfully escape the room. Congratulations to the two teams that conquered the Escape Room: Max (Year 8), Madeline (Year 8), Renya (Year 8), Justin (Year 8), Olivia (Year 7), Lily (Year 7), and Jordan (Year 7); and Calvin, Varish, Thomas, Lucas and Fadi of Year 10. I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Ferraro, Ms Nasr, Ms Muscat, and Ms Nicolas for their support in the running of this event.

The excitement of Shakespeare Week did not conclude there, rather students within their English classes participated in multiple activities and exercises that honoured this literary genius. This included a game whereby students were to guess if particular characters were from the Harry Potter novels or William Shakespeare’s plays. They also had to determine if selected lines were written by Shakespeare or sung by Taylor Swift. The prizes on offer definitely appeased the students’ sweet tooth!

Shakespeare Week was thoroughly enjoyed by both staff and students and we look forward to celebrating again next year!

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