Our GSCC Pilgrims are all set for the ACYF journey! The preparations and build-up to what will be an exciting week of events at ACYF 2019, is finally commencing.

As our students waved goodbye to their families; the reality began to sink in. They were now embarking on a spiritual and faith journey. It will hopefully be a rewarding experience for all of them when they join with the thousands of other pilgrims from all over Australia to celebrate the biennial national event.

Coverage of ACYF 2019 will be provided on Good Samaritan Catholic College's ACYF 2019 subweb during the whole event. GSCC's subweb system has been renowned for bringing exclusive coverage of events in the past; which included World Youth Day earlier this year and the previous ACYF event in Sydney. Be sure to keep up to date with all the happenings and excitement, as we journey together for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Perth for 2019!