On the 26th June 2024, Sydney Catholic Schools hosted a special Evangelisation Day for students in Years 7, 8, and 9. Five students from each grade were selected to attend the event, which brought together students from various schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney to Trinity Catholic College, Auburn.

The theme of the day was "Journey Together as Joyful Witnesses to Hope." The day began with fellowship, which provided students the opportunity to build friendships and a sense of community. Fun and interactive games followed, helping to break the ice and bring everyone together.

Singing was also a highlight, and this lifted everyone's spirits and it brought a sense of unity in faith. Through engaging presentations by a number of faith leaders, activities and discussions, the students explored the theme and learned how to be joyful witnesses to hope in their daily lives.
Pizza and morning tea were provided, making the day even more enjoyable. There were also opportunities for students from different schools to meet, make new friends, and share their faith-filled experiences.
A key part of the event was Adoration, and this offered a quiet time for prayer and reflection. Additionally, the Sacrament of Reconciliation was available, allowing for moments of spiritual renewal and forgiveness.

The day was a perfect blend of joy, learning, and spiritual growth, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended.
Report by Elizabeth G and Oriana P