Good Samaritan Catholic College extends an invitation to prospective parents and students wishing to enrol for Year 7, 2025. The Open Day is on Saturday the 11th March 2023 from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
The Good Samaritan Catholic College community is committed to quality education. Students are encouraged to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives, in a Catholic environment based on the values taught by Jesus.

To maintain safety and accessibility to the main school site; there will be no parking available at the College during Open Day. We recommend that you park at the St Joseph TSC carpark (439 Hoxton Park Road, Hinchinbrook), Hoxton Park Reserve carpark (located on Wilson Road, Hinchinbrook) or in the surrounding suburbs.

The Open Day will commence with a presentation in the College Hall and staff will be available at the conclusion of the presentation to provide you with a tour of the College facilities.
Enrolment packs will be available for collection from the College office.
Please do not hesitate to contact our College office on 9825 9955 should you have any queries in regards to enrolment at Good Samaritan Catholic College.