Earlier this year, the College commenced the migration to Compass, a student information system that has been implemented in many schools today. It is a cloud-based system that will eventually be rolled out in all Primary and Secondary schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney.
In the coming weeks, the Compass Student and Parent Portals will be opened. This will give parents and students access to parts of Compass. Modules will be progressively introduced and opened throughout the year and into 2021. Parents will initially be able to view their child’s attendance, and provide reasons if their child is absent or late. Parents will also be able to see any relevant news items and assessment calendar dates. In the future, the College plans to open the Parent/Student/Teacher Conference module for the booking of interviews, as well as the ability to access Semester Reports.

Students will be provided with a brand new identification card. The card contains inbuilt features, such as RFID and NESA ID for students in Years 10 to 12. The identification card will be used for the sign-in process in the instance a student is late to school, as well as the borrowing of resources in the College Resource Centre. The identification card will replace the old Library Card. It is important that students secure their card in a wallet (or the back sleeve of the diary) to prevent loss. Replacement cards can be ordered for $10.
Further information, including steps on how to download and install the Mobile App version of Compass, will soon be distributed to parents and students. Parents will also soon receive a login information letter that will provide a unique password to access the Compass Management System.