As we enter into 2023, the Good Samaritan Catholic College community was thrilled to be able to gather in their house groups again for the Ash Wednesday prayer service. After enduring the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was a great and meaningful way for students to prepare for the lenten period.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a season where Catholics focus on prayer, fasting and almsgiving as a way to prepare for the resurrection of Christ.
The prayer service began after Pastoral Care class where students gathered in their designated meeting areas. This year, each house celebrated the service separately. Throughout the service, many prayers and readings were offered by both teachers and students, as well as a video made by Mr Bradbury. The video outlined the importance of the ashes and the ways in which we can strengthen our relationship with God.

The service followed with the presentation of ashes, which is used to symbolise the penance of sins. The ashes serve as a sign for staff and students of their commitment to faith and as a reminder of God’s mercy.

Overall, the Ash Wednesday prayer service was a beautiful way for the Good Samaritan Catholic College community to begin their Lenten journey. The service reminded everyone of the importance of their faith and the significance of the season.
Written by Angelina E, with edits by Oriana P